Nathan has been instructing yoga at our firm for several years and has become a valued member and friend. Nathan not only has a wealth of knowledge in yoga, alternative medicine, and massage therapy, but he has a wonderful personality that makes our yoga practices so enjoyable. Nathan always tailors our yoga sessions to accommodate the moods and varying comfort levels of the day’s participants. If some of us want a more challenging session, while others want a more mellow session, Nathan provides great balance and offers modifications that allows everyone to achieve their personal goals for the session. I always leave our our sessions feeling accomplished and rejuvenated.
Since Nathan has become a licensed massage therapist, our firm has reserved an hour each week after our Wednesday yoga sessions for massage. I have had many massages in my life, and I can honestly say that Nathan’s head and neck massages are among the best I have had. I am prone to neck and back pain due to hours of poor posture in front of the computer, and Nathan’s pressure point massage techniques are very therapeutic, helping to relieve tension in those areas.
Overall, Nathan doesn’t apply a blanket method to yoga and massage to each session, but rather listens to each of us and attends to our individual needs based upon his extensive experience and training.