Yoga/ Martial Arts/ Somatic Breath Centered Movement



Nathan Mills has been blessed to study with an array of talented and inspiring yoga, martial arts, and movement teachers over the years. Nathan’s static “Hatha” classes are informed from the precise alignment he learned through practices such as Iyengar Yoga while stepping outside the rigidity that there is one right way for everyone. All postures and subtle movements are initiated through breath and mindful awareness.

His breath centered “Bushido” practices are inspired by the discipline and strength of Ashtanga Yoga, the gentle power of Qi Gong, and the playfulness and adaptation of Dance, and martial arts. Nathan’s practices are highly beneficial to beginning practitioners and the most seasoned yogis, martial artists, dancers, or athletes alike.

yoga_teachersectionBenefits include but are not limited to:

  • Weight management
  • Better sleep
  • Better memory
  • Increased strength, flexibility, and stamina
  • Increased focus
  • Balanced energy and sense of well being

As a Teacher

Nathan’s intention is not to create teacher adoration but rather self-adoration. His teaching style is one of patience and encouragement. He believes the goal as teachers should be one of service, giving the student an abundance of tools they can use to alleviate suffering in any and all areas of life.

IMG_2282As Fitness

Nathan offers a variety of moveme

nt practices both publicly and privately.  Although he no longer teaches the martial arts from a “self defense” standpoint, Nathan can offer training components using his martial arts background in individual and group fitness environments to assist clients in achieving their goals.

Though these practices can be challenging Nathan encourages his students to take care of their bodies, rest when they need to, and practice thoughtfully. Each person’s practice is their own individual expression and is a very personal thing. We all have limitations and Nathan teaches to work with the body you have. Rather than letting our limitations challenge us, we challenge those limitations respectfully.

As Therapy

yoga_astherapysectionThough Nathan sees the physical benefit, strength, and physical challenge physical yoga and movement arts has to offer he prefers not to see or refer to yoga as a “workout.”

He feels this can limit the scope of what these therapeutic practices provide and reduce yoga practices to gymnastics or “circus tricks” when there are much deeper and more rewarding experiences than just physical fitness to be offered from mindful movement practices such as yoga, qi gong, tai chi, etc.

Nathan’s public classes and private session are designed to teach students to consciously move their bodies in synchronization with their breath and help heal physical and emotional distress. Once students learn to move their bodies responsibly and intentionally, amazing changes occur.

One intention is to teach the student to be fully present and focused in the moment while in movement. While linking consciously to the moment and breath, without any past or future distraction, the student can then take that focus out into the world and succeed in every area of life.


“If we were already perfect, if we already knew everything, then it wouldn’t be called a ‘practice.’ We have a choice to come to everything with the beginner’s mind, and humbly delight in the fact that we know nothing… and that still… knowing that… we are perfect.” – Nathan Mills


Please be sure to read our Appointment Policies before scheduling your session.


See what past participants have said about working with Nathan:

Heather and Nathan: A complete team

My husband and I have been receiving regular massages from Heather for several years now, and I can’t say enough good things about her. She is experienced, sensitive, responsive, and a pleasure to interact with in all aspects. I’ve had massages in many different places over the years and none compare! She has the ability to read what your body needs, listen to what you want, and the skill to deliver just that. Massage with her is something we look forward to each month. I’ve had a number of injuries and she is wonderful and respectful in how to give a massage that aids in healing. I have also had a series of one-on-one yoga sessions with Nathan following back surgery, and he helped me craft a routine that was therapeutic and meditative. He has a fantastic ability to really listen and meet you exactly where you are, which for me was a beginner level and for the first time I began to understand why breath was so important and how to begin to practice with it. I also loved how he explains the philosophy, intent, and mechanics behind what he is teaching, melding mind and body. They will be a truly inspiring team to work with!

Marcia Wood

Strength in body, mind and spirit

The six months that I spent training and doing life coaching with Nathan was a truly inspiring and life changing experience. His work helped me believe in myself again and realize that absolutely anything is possible. The strength I created in body, mind and spirit will travel with me for the rest of my life. No matter your circumstances, working with Nathan will improve your life. I will always be grateful.

Sara Armstrong

Nathan’s practice is a game changer

As a single Mom with a big career, I am constantly running. Often working on adrenaline to get it all done. As a former athlete, it is central to my being to have a physical outlet…to have
goals and to allow my body to move. As a chronic pain patient, I need to be reminded that pain doesn’t have to limit my joy in movement. Nathan’s practice and teachings have made a difference in all three.

His breath work slows everything in my body. It releases the adrenaline, allows me to regroup, and be a better Mom, employee and person. His pacing allows my body to ease into the poses and to be challenged…but only if my breath extends that invitation. His personal experience with pain and the fact that you still have an active practice is normalizing and very inspiring.

It’s been a game changer, and for that I am grateful. Thank you so much!

Shana Klemchuck

Nathan is special

Nathan is special: genuine, unassuming, and I’ve witnessed the smile in other teachers’ eyes at the mention of his name. Nathan naturally expresses the artful qualities of a master teacher and healer. He’s the real deal.

Douglas Johns
LCSW psychotherapist

Feeling the flow

I really enjoyed Nathan’s classes. His message about the flow, or smooth ‘journey’ from one movement to the next really sunk in.  Both in a physical movement sense, and it was beautiful to blend it as a metaphor for life. I’ve been to many yoga classes and never had it explained, and demonstrated, quite like Nathan did. Perhaps it is the merging of his martial arts energy with the yoga makes it work so well. Keep up the great work.

Ken Hughes

Timely and genuine encouragement

I came to this practice with no yoga or martial arts in my background. The journey has been one of patience, perseverance and humility as I learn to accept the immense value of small steps and small beginnings. One of the things I’ve learned to deeply appreciate about working with Nathan is his keen awareness for timely encouragement while at the same time challenging me to new heights. His refusal to  settle for empty flattery that misses the goal and doesn’t lay any lasting roots is refreshing. I count myself blessed to be learning under someone of his character and integrity and look forward to many more hours of mat time.

Mark Conta

Reaching your personal edge

I really enjoy Nathan’s classes! I really like how he encourages us to push to what we feel is our personal edge yet not to worry if we need to back off or rest. I actually get through his classes without making a sound. Not bad for a middle-aged women with hip and shoulder issues! 🙂 I wish I could take Nathan’s class every day! Thank you for being such a great teacher!

Jenny Weller

Healthy changes on all levels

Nathan is a shining example of what a disciplined practice can accomplish. He not only has extensive knowledge and experience as a teacher of Bushido Yoga but combines this with a deep understanding of the physical system from the nutritional standpoint, to bring about healthy changes on all levels for the client. The depth of his understanding of ancient principals and ability to share such wisdom in an accessible way, without esoteric fluff, is rare. Anyone who study’s with Nathan will be touched. He reaches you through profound depth of clarity and the ability to get to the root of an issue or support you in exactly the way you need. Enjoy your journey with this gifted teacher!

Beth Byron

Nathan is the best!

Nathan is absolutely the most connected, aware, and intuitive yoga instructor I’ve ever experienced. It’s an honor to be his student.

Brie Anne Schwartz

Creating a lifestyle toolbox

I found myself drawn to take Nathan’s transformational Nutritional Coaching process after taking Yoga classes with him on a consistent basis. As a Yoga teacher Nathan emphasizes transition and flow, and transition is exactly what I needed and was struggling with in my life. I was making the switch from professional Poker Player to Yoga Teacher, and it was quite a leap indeed… so much so that I felt like I needed some help and guidance to facilitate this life shift for me. Nathan’s program was just the sort of magic that I needed in my life. Through the offering of various tools and suggestions I was able to systematically examine my life in an objective way and to make conscious decisions on what best served me and what to let go of.  We worked on topics ranging from eating and drinking more wholesome products to analyzing my daily habits to relationships with the people in my life.

Throughout I was given excellent constructive advice and feedback on all the issues that I brought to Nathan’s attention. The primary reason that I would recommend this program is that Nathan doesn’t just give you advice, suggestions etc. He offers tangible tools that one can use to effect change in one’s life. Bit by bit I created a toolbox that I will be able to depend upon for the rest of my life when I feel that some change is needed. I am most satisfied with Nathan’s Nutritional Coaching program and with where my life has been ever since.

Michael Shvartsman

Wonderful instructor with great knowledge and personality

Nathan has been instructing yoga at our firm for several years and has become a valued member and friend. Nathan not only has a wealth of knowledge in yoga, alternative medicine, and massage therapy, but he has a wonderful personality that makes our yoga practices so enjoyable. Nathan always tailors our yoga sessions to accommodate the moods and varying comfort levels of the day’s participants. If some of us want a more challenging session, while others want a more mellow session, Nathan provides great balance and offers modifications that allows everyone to achieve their personal goals for the session. I always leave our our sessions feeling accomplished and rejuvenated.

Since Nathan has become a licensed massage therapist, our firm has reserved an hour each week after our Wednesday yoga sessions for massage. I have had many massages in my life, and I can honestly say that Nathan’s head and neck massages are among the best I have had. I am prone to neck and back pain due to hours of poor posture in front of the computer, and Nathan’s pressure point massage techniques are very therapeutic, helping to relieve tension in those areas.

Overall, Nathan doesn’t apply a blanket method to yoga and massage to each session, but rather listens to each of us and attends to our individual needs based upon his extensive experience and training.

Xian Woram

Taking it off the mat…

Nathan’s teaching has taught me an approach to take into every class that is so much more helpful than I could have imagined! In addition, of course, into everything beyond the mat as well. His technique is different than anything else that I have experienced and is so uniquely and efficiently distilled into a moment-to-moment essential bit of being. Sending lots and lots of gratitude! Thank you Nathan for providing a big steep beautiful bend on my yoga path.

Jamie Bluhm

Healing Anxiety

I practiced yoga with Nathan for a year and a half and absolutely loved it. I actually have an anxiety disorder, so it was very healing having him come into the office during the weekdays. The things I learned with him are things I will carry with me for life. If you are looking for an instructor, I highly recommend Nathan! He is very calm, patient, and enjoys working with you to tailor things to your needs. Thank you, Nathan!

Shauna O'Connor
Sather, Byerly, & Holloway